Audit ITR
Getting an optimal mix of financing a project or business is a key challenge.
Financing a business typically composed of two components: Debt and Equity.
To maximize the value of the business, we should try to find a finance mix that minimizes both the cost of capital and risk of bankruptcy.
The rate of Interest on finance, cost of availing finance, repayment period, obligations of financing body like various terms and conditions of compliances have huge impact on business operations and profitability.
Under financing, over financing, In time financing also very important for business success.
An efficient project loan consultant can help you in assessing all above matters related to finance mix and selecting a financial institute that is most suitable for your requirements.
Small, Medium and large enterprises are the backbone of any economy and are an engine of economic growth, promoting equitable development for all.
Therefore, to promote and develop such Industries, State Govt. and Central Govt facilitates promotion and development of enterprises through many incentives, schemes and subsidies.
These benefits are provided in the form of Capital Subsidy, Interest Subsidy, Tax refunds, Tax holidays, Venture Capital Assistance, Equity Assistance, Subsidy of market promotion and development scheme, Quality assurance techniques expenses subsidy, Security free loans scheme, Technology up gradation subsidy scheme, Sector/area specific subsidy schemes, Product specific subsidy schemes, Export promotion subsidy scheme.
But due to lack of knowledge many Industries and entrepreneurs could not take the benefits of this scheme of subsidies and incentives.
So identification and appointment of an efficient subsidy consultant is must for timely applying, following up, sanctioning and releasing of subsidy or getting the incentives.
Startup India is a flagship initiative of the Government of India,
intended to build a strong ecosystem that is conducive for the growth of
startup businesses, to drive sustainable economic growth and generate
large scale employment opportunities in the country.
There are many facilities, benefits, incentives, tax holydays, exemptions
etc are provided by Govt of India to the new age entrepreneurs who get
registered under this scheme.
To understand the procedures, to comply with the terms and to make
constant follow up with the authorities is never easy for the new age
entrepreneurs, who are already engaged at fullest in the core issues of
business development, products/services delivery and their quality
matters etc.
In order to assist entrepreneurs in the noncore issues of various
formalities, registrations, follow ups etc., one should appoint a proper,
efficient consultant, who can take care of this issues.
In many cases, startups business do best with their new product
development, market development etc, but do not get proper estimates
or projections of their funding needs, exact profitability, project payback
period, return on capital employed, and other financial parameters,
taxation impact which are of vital importance for success of a business
idea in short and long term and also must for getting funding from FI
and/or Investors.
A start up Consultant can assist startups businesses, at seed,
development, growth or expansion stage in getting funds from
private/angel investors, venture capitalist, Govt organizations etc.